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Wellness and Respect for life on earth

Individual wellbeing is only possible with awareness of being a part of the environment: thus all people, animals, the earth and the cosmos. Nowadays, we are confronted with big concerns about human and environmental wellness. Despite all the possibilities we have with regard to nutrition, medicine, information sharing and “quality control”, there is an enormous increase in degenerative diseases, in particular diseases related to nutrition. Moreover, there is an enormous loss of connection with the natural order. It is utmost time to change course.

The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) gives a holistic, universal description of human functioning. It describes “the human being between heaven and earth”. The meaning of life is to realise the full development of body and soul, in relation to the world surrounding us!

Without prevention there can be no wellness. The old masters characterised this as follows: “saving and maintaining our three treasures”: first - what we inherited from our parents, second - our daily energy, and third - our consciousness.

The three treasures are preserved through the optimal development of our awareness, as well as good nutrition, good respiration, the possibility of social behaviour, sufficient exercise and rest. As a result we are able to function with respect and love for ourselves and life surrounding us: to nourish our ecosystem instead of exploiting it. Everyone has the capacity to do this and everyone knows by intuition that this is true!

Education and information are important means to make this intuitive knowledge explicit and aware.

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