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Traditional chinese medicine

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a history of approximately four thousand years. The Ancient Masters observed the natural processes and built their medical theories on them. The theory of Yin and Yang and the synergy of these two original energies within their interactive balance demonstrates this. TCM has a universal origin and is applicable in a universal way. Humans function optimally when connected with the whole universe.

TCM energetic physiology is based on a system of meridians running through the body just like the blood and nerve systems known in Western medicine. The meridians carry the unique bodily energy streams, named Qi or Life Energy. A difference is made between internal and external medicine: internal medicine is dietetics and herbal medicine, whereas external medicine covers acupuncture, TuiNa (massage and manipulations)and Tai Chi and Qi Cong (both energy moving exercises).

Traditional Chinese Medicine has very specific possibilities:

For example it has the capacity to diagnose disorders before organic changes have appeared, which makes preventive medicine possible.

  • TCM links various complaints and their causes, for instance in relation to daily habits. Great value is attached to interpreting mental and emotional expression, which can manifest itself in physical and/or psychosomatic complaints and vice versa.
  • Diagnosis and treatment methods are not aggressive and have little or no side effects.
  • TCM is scientifically based and has been recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). More than a third of the world population uses it!
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