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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine dates back thousands of years. It forms the basis of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Originally the knowledge of everyday food, nutritional therapy and herbal medicine were intimately linked. Like nutritional therapy, herbal medicine has developed over time to become a specialised and professional discipline.

Individual diagnosis is used to determine what kind of imbalance is at stake. See : Traditional Chinese medicine. Based on this diagnosis, a unique herbal formula can be composed, which has been closely attuned to the patient. The herbs are selected according to their energetic qualities and are put together into a herbal formula. These formulas almost always consist of several herbs, which support, reinforce and balance each other. Through their unique combination they can generate a specific effect in the human body. Existing herbal formulas are nearly always modified. The results are in general very fundamental and permanent in nature because the root of the problem is addressed. Herbs with their nutritious, building quality are also frequently used for chronic syndromes in addition to nutritional therapy, acupuncture and other therapies.

Only controlled herbs are used, provided with an analysis certificate. These are supplied by recognised companies or pharmacies.

Awareness of the cause of the complaint makes the client participate in the healing process by changing diet and lifestyle.

Chinese herbal medicine is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a specific direction within the TCM in addition to acupuncture and TuiNa therapy.

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